Welcome to Semper Fi Press!

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The last five or six years have been revolutionary in the world of publishing.  The Big Six no longer control what people read.  With the advent of digital publishing, anyone can get their book out there to the reading public.  Some new authors have sold millions of copies of their books. Most authors, however, have not sold even 50 copies. 

So what makes a successful book?  It is really pretty easily delineated:  good writing, a good topic, good editing, a good title, a good cover, and good marketing.  Like anything else, though, these are more easily said than done.

Semper Fi Press was initially formed as the private imprint for a series of books about the U.S. Marine Corps.  Somehow, the three books found a ready market and sold quite well, getting as high as the top 25 in Amazon's Action and Adventure Best Seller List.  Other books were added, to include the United Federation Marine Corps military scifi series.  Each book in the series has broken into Amazon's top 1,000 with Recruit reaching #209 for fiction.  Now Semper Fi Press is open to other authors and their works.  ALL GENRES ARE WELCOME!

The concept for Semper Fi Press is that of a cooperative.  Simply publishing through us costs the author nothing, nor do we pay royalties ourselves.  Royalties are paid through book sellers such as Amazon, Kobo, Apple, and Barnes and Noble.  But what we do offer are services and recommendations for whatever is needed to get your book ready, whether that is editing, book covers, formatting for the various digital outlets, formatting for print, marketing strategies, or anything else that may need to be done.

All published books will be listed for sale here on the site, but this is not exclusive.  All books should be offered through as many outlets as possible.

If you are a seasoned author, we welcome you here, of course, and our services are open to you, but the intent of Semper Fi Press is to help new authors navigate the path of publishing. 

Take a look at what we offer.  If it makes sense to you, give us a shout.

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